Evaluation of Use of Third Pressure Tap on Wet Gas Orifice Metering


ChevronTU PI’s
Pamela ChaconEduardo Pereyra
Lisa Brenskelle 


Orifice plates are commonly used for production gas measurement because they are inexpensive and easy to install. Often orifice plate measurement is used for well testing and reporting volumes to regulators. It is known that orifice plate measurement is erroneous in the presence of wet gas. The impacts of this are: overstating gas rate and understating liquid rate, impacting the allocation factor, sending liquids to compression or well injection, both having detrimental consequences. Liquid carryover in gas lines from separators is a known issue in many production operations.

The orifice plate on its own cannot identify the presence of liquid, nor can it correct measurement. The objective of this project is to experimentally and theoretically evaluate the use of a third tap on the orifice plate measurement and its ability to identify the presence of liquids in the gas stream. This may or may not lead to the ability to correct the measurement.

Asphaltenes Deposition in Multiphase Flows

ChevronTU PI’sStudents
Jianxin WangNagu Daraboina

Abstract pending.

Slug Flow Erosion Studies

ChevronTU PI’sStudents
Mason Kinter
Haijing Gao
Sandra Hernandez
Siamack ShiraziRonald Vieira (post-doc)

Abstract pending.